Bella's Bites

Bella's Bites

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The science of nutrition

Many people wonder why we have tried to create a menu that is healthy and how we have done it.  There is a lot of research available to help with understanding how the body uses the food - it's fuel source.  Some of it is quite confusing. A lot of it is performed or paid for by large food and chemical companies or their industry organisations, so the information is not without prejudice.  So if you are looking into research and information, always check who performed the research and who paid for it.  Or you can find some trusted reporting organisations and journals that will do this checking for you and read them.  I do this and it helps me a lot.  Often these same journals and reports make it easier for me to understand the key points and how to apply it.

So who are some of these journals and reporters?

Journals - sources such as the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet are great for medical information.  New Scientist magazine is a wonderful resource and makes things into easier to understand.  I also enjoy listening to Dr Karl from the Australian government broadcaster (so it is not able to be manipulated by commercial interests).  His podcast is available on the internet and he also prints the same on the ABC website -
Dr Karl has some great articles and podcasts on health and nutrition and it is a easily digested 5 - 6 minute podcast.  In my next blog post I will make note of some of the interesting food and nutrition articles he has put together.

One of the best ways to help our bodies is to understand what goes into them, and how we use it.  So I encourage you all to spend some time to read the information available.  After all, a few minutes reading on how dieting workds may be more beneficial than trying to understand which latest diet to use!

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